- How many humps docamels have? 骆驼有几个驼峰?
- How many exposures have you left? 还剩多少底片没有照?
- How many ventricles of heart does a man have? 每个人有几个心室?
- Do you ever have the measles, and if so, how many? 你得过麻疹吗,要是得过,出了几粒?
- How many visiting scholars have come? 有多少访问学者来了?
- How many moons does Jupiter have? 木星有多少卫星?
- How many people have accessed your homepage by now? 到目前为止,有多少人访问了你的主页?
- How many times have you been to France? 你到法国去过几次?
- How many Asian countries have taken part in the sport meeting? 有多少亚洲国家参加这次运动会?
- How many children did Elizabeth have by her second husband? 伊莉莎白和第二个丈夫生了多少孩子?
- How many people have testified to the truth of your statements? 有多少人作证说你的供词是真的呢?
- How many hours of daylight do we have in a day? 一天中我们有多少小时有阳光?
- See how many plates we have, but don't count in the cracked ones. 看看我们有多少个盘子,但不要算有裂纹的。
- How much of that forty yuan have you left? 40块钱用得还剩多少了?
- How many enemies bit the dust in the battle? 在这次战斗中打死了多少敌人?
- How many yards must I buy to make a coat? 做一件外套我必须买多少码?
- How much have you got in change? 你有多少零钱?
- How many can you dine in this hall? 在这间大厅你能宴请多少人?
- How many calories can an ounce of sugar supply? 一盎司糖可以供给多少卡热量?
- How are you off for cash? ie How much have you got? 你有多少现款?